Discerning the Times & Seasons
The following summarizes a series of Visions and Dreams that God has given us as a church regarding the times we live in and the things to come.
The intent of sharing these dreams is to prepare God’s people spiritually, mentally and physically because the Lord is blessing us all with understanding and direction. As we continue to see events unfold, we believe that we have entered into the season of the beginning of birth pains as described in Matthew 24:8.
The Bible tells us that God’s people perish for lack of knowledge, lack of wisdom, and lack of prophetic vision. So by sharing these insights, we believe people will be better prepared to face whatever comes our way, knowing that He is in control and will take care of his people as He took care of the people of Israel in the desert.
We have prayed into these dreams over the years and truly believe that the Lord says these events will happen. Our focus, therefore, is to ask God for mercy to save as many souls as possible. Let every Word be judged and confirmed by two or three.
For the Spirit of the Lord says:
- Food shortages are coming to North America and worldwide. The food shortages will get so bad that people will begin to line up and pay lots of money to be able to eat rats, cat, dog meat and all kinds of meats that generally don’t get consumed by humans. RECEIVED NOVEMBER 22, 2009.
- Two more catastrophic stock market crashes after the 2008-2009 Market crash are coming. Each market crash would be more devastating than the previous one making the 2008 Market crash look small in comparison. This first market crash would occur at the end of a summer or at the beginning of a fall. The year was not revealed. RECEIVED NOVEMBER 25, 2009.
- He will take us north and out of the city to keep us safe as there would be chaos and commotion in the cities. RECEIVED NOVEMBER 25, 2009.
- Three atomic bombs or a Third World War is coming. It will start in the east. The bombs would hit the east coast, and this consequently would lead to the contamination of the water. RECEIVED DECEMBER 2009.
- A time is coming when schools in North America will have rooms dedicated for students to have sex during school hours without having to report it to anyone or have parents’ consent. Teachers won’t have to report or inform parents what happens in these rooms. RECEIVED DECEMBER 2009.
- A time is coming when God boldly will begin to lead people into the hospitals to pray for the sick. He will use these individuals to heal everyone and empty the hospitals. JUNE OF 2010.
- He will open the doors for this ministry to go to 96 countries and preach his Word. RECEIVED NOVEMBER 2010.
- Persecution against his Church and Christians is coming to North America. This persecution will begin when Martial Law is declared nationwide. Houses and cars in neighbourhoods will start to be looted and burned. This will cause many Christian families to go into hiding. The Lord says this will be the sign of the beginning of the persecution in North America, and the only way to prevent this is if God’s people would pray 15 minutes a day. RECEIVED DECEMBER 2010.
- A massive wave of the Holy Spirit is coming to North America. Only skilled Christians who know how to operate in the Spirit will ride it and not fall off. This wave will lead those riding it into restaurants, work offices, and public places and begin to bring revival where ever they go. Healing, signs and wonders will be present and follow them everywhere they go. The Lord says the next revival will not start in the churches but outside on the streets. RECEIVED JANUARY 2013.
- A great deception is coming to the world. This deception and lie will be purposely intended to bring down the world’s economy and sell us something that is not real. This event will be a smoke screen to bring down the world’s economy. The sign of the beginning of this season would be that the Toronto Stock Exchange would fall 7,000 points. RECEIVED JANUARY 2013.
- A time is coming when people will begin to stop Christians on the streets and beg them to tell and preach to them about Jesus. People will fall to their knees on the streets and start repenting loudly, crying out to Jesus for salvation. Revival will begin outside on the streets. RECEIVED JANUARY 2014.
- As long as his Church keeps preaching His Word and going to the lost, He will provide and pay for everything. The Church will no longer have to be worried about finances. RECEIVED JANUARY 2014.
- A time is coming when great signs and wonders will be seen in our midst during our meetings and gatherings. The key will be to walk and operate under authority constantly. RECEIVED MAY 2014.
- A great deception has come and infiltrated the Churches. Many Christian ministries will begin to seek to be more appealing, modern, and relevant to the world with the intent to draw many to hear the Gospel. The Lord says not to fall for this. The enemy will use this deceptive strategy to cause many Christians, who had decided to set themselves apart from the world, to be drawn back to the world and cause them to fall back into sin through this deception. RECEIVED JANUARY 2015.
- Banks will begin to plot a plan to steal everyone’s money by creating High-Interest, Tax-free Savings Accounts, allowing them to bail themselves out when banks go bankrupt. Their goal is to eliminate the use of cash from society. RECEIVED SEPTEMBER 2016.
- The major banks in Canada will collapse. Among these will be Scotiabank, BMO, and TD. RECEIVED SEPTEMBER 2018.
- A colossal housing market crash will follow, causing people to lose everything. It will happen so fast that people would not have enough time to salvage anything, sell or take any equity out of their homes. Everyone will lose it all, and some will be left naked, without anything on the streets. As this happens, there will be gasoline shortages, and people will not be able to use their vehicles. RECEIVED SEPTEMBER 2018.
- Bitcoin will experience several crashes. Among those crashes, prices will hit $5600, $3200, and bottom out at $1700. RECEIVED SEPTEMBER 2019.
- The Lord says inflation will come to Canada and North America. Money will be devaluated intentionally by 50%. RECEIVED SEPTEMBER 2020.
- A cry of lamentation will be heard, first among my people, then the world. RECEIVED OCTOBER 2020.
- A time is coming when there will be no more work. People will be sent home without pay. There will be no materials to build or manufacture anything. This shortage of work will begin on the east coast and move across the land. The Lord says that when you see this happen, this will be the sign before a great revival starts from the east coast to the west coast. RECEIVED JUNE 2021.
- Begin to change your diets and replace the meats with grains. Contamination of the meats and vegetables is coming. RECEIVED APRIL 2022.
- Churches, ministries and leaders that did not believe and paid attention to the signs and warnings will lose their credibility when preaching the Gospel. Their message will no longer be accepted. RECEIVED JUNE 2022.
- An atomic bomb will hit North America on the east coast. The mushroom cloud will be visible from Toronto and people will go into hysteria. RECEIVED SEPTEMBER 2022.
- Instagram will begin to censure and close accounts for christian churches or christian content creators. RECEIVED NOVEMBER 2022.
All these events will lead to the greatest revival that the world has ever seen. The Church must prepare to gather the end-time harvest!
FOR 2023
For the Spirit of the Lord says: “A re-branding and re-packaging of all the lies and deceptions you have seen over the last two years up until now will be rolled out for 2023. Do NOT buy into it nor believe the lies. Be vigilant that you will not fall for it.
During this season, two types of churches will emerge:
The first church will be a church that looks pretty, well put together, very attractive and draws a lot of attention. The distinctive characteristics of this church will be that it loves to manipulate, control, and walk independently and demands attention from anyone willing to give it to her. It will be a church that almost operates like a cult. Do NOT fall into her traps and tactics, nor be seduced by watching or listening to her message.
The second church will be a church that walks in holiness, knows my word, and does good works but because of lack of faith will give in to the pressures of the beast system. This church will be comprised for not trusting in me for protection and provision. Do NOT partake nor build alliances with these churches.”
To watch the full video click HERE.
For the Spirit of the Lord says:
26. Men, be careful with what you watch and how much you watch. Do not let the TV distract you, nor entertain you. For your life, your family and your ministry will be stolen from you if you let it distract you. It is not a time to be distracted, but to be vigilant and diligent. Watch over what I have given to you. Listen to my voice, not the world’s. RECEIVED JANUARY 10, 2023
27. You have two years to preach the gospel as much as possible, to get your house and affairs in order, and to plan for what is up ahead. A time is coming when everything will change even more. The gospel will be difficult to share, and it will be challenging for my church to gather openly and publicly. You have two years to plan and prepare for what is up ahead.. Be diligent and listen carefully to my instructions, for I will lead you and take care of you. RECEIVED MAY 1, 2023