Articles posted by admin

By Jim Durkin Most people who read the Bible don’t understand it and cannot arrive at the truth in the same way that an apostle can. Every person can understand the truth but may not be able to discover the truth on their own. Many believers may operate in ‘verse’ consciousness when reading the Bible, meaning that they may stop reading at

By Jim Durkin Deacon, Leader and Elder usually refer to the same function in the church. In many cases, these offices have not been fully understood and not been allowed to operate adequately, causing the church to be weak. This is a crucial part of the ministry designed to equip the saints to minister, and it is Jesus' Body ministering to

By Jim Durkin When we are about to do something, it's better to act through demonstration because the world is full of untested theories. A person is unlikely to give up something if it works, even if it performs poorly, rather than something that they have no idea if it works at all. Until we have experienced the message, are we

By Jim Durkin Matthew 7: 24 says that anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock, the rock refers to Jesus and His Word. The Bible reveals everything that we need to know according to life and godliness. God is bringing about a restoration of His church. Many

By Jim Durkin It is necessary for the man of God to understand God’s principles for creating and building something. The average Christian is ignorant of the devil’s devices and God’s method of doing things. He falls upon his carnal ways of developing things, 2 Corinthians 2:11. If we build according to God’s plan, our work will not crumble as it

By Jim Durkin The ungodly may also use biblical principles, as seen in Luke 16, ‘the children of this world are wiser in their generation than the children of light.’ ‘Use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends, so that when your possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an eternal home’. The ones to whom these principles

By Jim Durkin The church's Vision is to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. A vision, when translated into action, propels the church forward. When people join a church, the leadership has the opportunity to invest their time, lives and hearts into these members, resulting in growth. The whole process of investing in the kingdom of

By Jim Durkin There is an expectation and necessity of receiving in every giving because of God’s nature and promises. Each giving requires a measure of trust as we cannot see the sources of receiving. In Business, Service or Social giving, there is an expectation of receiving. There is also giving that is commanded to honour God, and it is God’s

Money is merely a tool, and we ought to learn how to generate, invest, save and give it wisely to grow the kingdom of God. Christians should not be fearful of money or its domination but motivated because of God's promises concerning money. God asks us to honour Him with the first fruits of our increase, and He will supply our

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