Jim Durkin of Eureka, California was well-known for his work with young people, particularly those at Lighthouse Ranch. His ministry expanded from that of a pastor of a small church in Eureka to a widespread evangelistic work called Gospel Outreach. This included, in addition to evangelistic work, a radio ministry, the printing of Christian literature, and teaching in a unique “Tree Planter’s Bible School” which he founded.
Radiance Media Ministry, a part of Gospel Outreach, sent out thousands of cassette tapes and had a free tape lending library. In addition, this ministry included two Christian publications — one was called “The Gospel Paper”, and was for the unsaved; the other, the “Cornerstone Magazine”, was a deeper life periodical. “Practice the Word” booklets and tracts were also printed.
During the first twelve years of Jim Durkin’s ministry, though he preached the true gospel, there were certain principles which he did not understand or preach. This lack of understanding resulted in frustrations, deep disappointment and finally failure. His ministry, his family relationships, his finances, and his health all crumbled. In desperation, he cried out to God for an answer. God spoke to him very personally then and revealed a truth which completely revolutionized his life. Here is what God said, “After everything in My Word you have added three words of your own. They are, ‘But we know.’ Henceforth, I want you to practice My Word. Do it. Even though you don’t understand it, do it, and in the doing of it you will come to learn what it means.”
Jim resolved that day, that, with God’s help, he would begin to practice the Word, do what it said, and carry out its action commands. Almost immediately God responded. His home was restored, his finances were stabilized, and blessed prosperity followed.
Then, under God, a new ministry began. Since then, thousands of young people, and some older ones as well, have found Jesus as Lord. Hundreds of these young people were in constant training in Eureka, preparing for a gospel ministry. Many gospel teams were sent out, and new works were established in Alaska, New York, Los Angeles and other places.
All of these blessings have been purely a work of grace from God. They were simply the result of the consistent teaching of a practical principle of spiritual growth and worldwide evangelism — to practice His Word — as contained in the message God gave Jim Durkin. Jim Durkin says, “You, too, can have the same blessings in your life. Do His Word, and all God’s blessings will come upon you and overtake you.
We are pleased to offer to you this booklet of messages on “The Bold Confession”, which was broadcast in the “Practice the Word” series. “Practice the Word” was a radio program designed to teach living principles from the Scripture on how you can do the Word of God.
In this second series entitled “The Bold Confession”, Jim Durkin explains the life-changing effects of the words we speak. The confessions of our mouth, to a large extent, establish our behavior and even shape our identity. In these pages, you will learn the difference between “the facts” of your circumstances and “the Truth” as revealed by God’s Word. Your words — your “Bold Confession” — based upon God’s truth, can eternally establish your life according to Jesus Christ.
“Practice the Word” is a series for Christians who desire to press in even closer to the things of God. Yet it is also a personal message that Jim desires to share with you. He speaks from his heart, sharing with you his successes as well as failures in learning to put the Word into practice.
Jim brings the Word of God alive, in a way that will help you begin practicing the Word yourself. So, as you read, you will be confronted with the same question that Jim had to face several years. God is asking YOU TODAY, “Will you trust me, will you DO my Word?”
The six messages in this booklet were originally broadcast on the “Practice the Word” radio series, and have been edited for presentation in booklet form. The radio program, publications and cassettes are NO LONGER available.
What We Believe
We believe that Jesus Christ is the manifestation of God in the flesh. We believe the blood He shed on the cross of Calvary is the only provision made by God for the redemption of sins for all mankind.
We believe that God has called us together for the purpose of making the Gospel of Jesus Christ a practical reality for every man, woman and child.
We believe that the gospel and the teachings of God’s Word are for here and now. We believe that God’s Word is the most practical book ever written. It shows the way to God: tells how to avoid the pitfalls of life; how to be victorious over sin. It is a revelation from God that shows man how to be successful in his home life; how to successfully raise his children; how to succeed financially; how to eliminate fear; and in general, how to meet every situation in life and rise above it.
We believe that any man who knows Jesus Christ — who has a right relationship with God and practices God’s Word — will prosper in whatever God shows him to do (Psalms 1:3).
We believe in the work of the Holy Spirit as absolute and essential to any understanding of God’s Word. He is the Spirit of Truth, and it is the Holy Spirit’s work to reveal to us the Father, the truth from God’s Word and the person of Jesus Christ, His only begotten son.
We believe that all men should surrender to Jesus in letting themselves be baptized into the blessed Holy Spirit.
We further believe that any who helps God’s people attain these God-given purposes will be blessed and prospered also.